Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summer Photo Contest

Please submit your best gymnastics summer photo! All photos will be posted on the blog and the winner will get a dig in the bag!

please email a digital image to:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Salta's AGM

On September 17, 2009 we will be having our AGM. All parents are encouraged to attend. We will be going through our financial statements and if you are interested in sitting on the board of directors then please attend!

See you there!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Competitive Calendar

Be sure to click on the side link to view this years calendar. Dates are tentative and subject to change.


Please be advised that since the code of points and rules have changed. We will be determining competitive levels of every athletes on October 30, 2009. It is important that every athlete and parents understands that since these changes have been implemented that it is possible that a athlete could move up, down or stay at the same level. If you would like a check list of what you need for skills this year Becca will have it available by Thursday (hopefully). Athletes must have a complete list if they wish to compete at the desired level.

Thank you,
Salta's Competitive Staff

Splits Check

We will be rechecking splits in a month from today- September 17th.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Olympic Week- August 10-14

Olympic Week- week 6

Please be sure to pack a lunch as Salta does not provide lunches, snacks, or water bottles (how ever there is a fountain). All Am and Pm children must have sunscreen, a hat, and proper shoes.

Monday: Full day and AM kids are heading down to Kin Coulee so please be prepared for the hike down there. Full Day and PM kids will be given a permission form that needs to be filled out for the SPACA and handed back in on Tuesday.

Tuesday: (Full Day and AM kids) Be sure to dress in you finest togas for the best dressed Olympian.(Full Day and PM kids going to the SPCA!!! Please make sure you have your hat, sunscreen and water bottle.

Wednesday: Full Day and AM kids are heading down to Kin Coulee again! PM kids will receive a permission form to go down to Echo Dale. This needs to be returned by Thursday.

Thursday: Full Day and PM kids will be heading down to Strathcona Park for a fun filled afternoon in the sun and water!! Please pack a towel, swim suit, sunscreen, hat, and water bottle.

Friday: Full Day and PM kids please be sure to pack an extra pair of clothes or bring your swim suit. We will be having water games in the back!