Sunday, April 27, 2008

Provincial Championships Results!

Congratulations to all the athletes who competed last weekend at Provincials! The results are as follows:

P2 Tyro

Jayden Stroh- 12th Bars, 17th AA
Erica Gallup- 13th Vault, 18th AA
Brooklyn Berrington- 13th Vault, 23rd AA

P3 Tyro

Tiana Pisoni- 8th Vault, 14th AA
Alysha McCubbin- 7th Floor, 15th AA

P3 Novice

Sydney Carlson: 12th Beam, 20th AA

P5 Novice

Sheehan Desjardins- 2nd Beam, 1st Floor, 2nd AA

Junior High Performance

Laurel Clouston- 1st Floor, 3rd AA

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