Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mini Meet Today

Mini meet is today. I will be videoing and judging routines to compare in the months to come. This is a great opportunity to see how much the athletes improve over the next few months before competitions. For athletes who are not doing routines yet, they can start next month. Please allow for up to a week to get your results back. If you wish to have a CD-R to stick the routines on your computer, please bring one for me to burn it on.

Friday training

Just a quick reminder that everyone who trains this friday, November 2, 2007- class will be from 4:00- 8:00 due to many families who are attending the Cirque show. Any questions please feel free to call me at the gym or directly email me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy 90th Birthday Alysha!

MMM, those where yummy cupcakes

Training Times

Just a reminder that due to the training camp on Friday and Saturday the P3-Elite are training on Thursday and FRIDAY from 4:30pm - 8:30pm. Silver and Gold will train with Kayla on Friday, same time as usual.


We are closed for Halloween!!! Have fun trick or treating- but remember- please do not bring the candy to gym.

Late Raffle tickets result in Rope Climbs!!!

For all of those parents who still do not have turned in those raffle tickets- the draw is on Friday. We need them in ASAP!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pre Season National Training Camp

Laurel, Sheehan and Jamie are off to Calgary on October 26th and 27th for a pre-season training camp at Stampede City Gymnastics Club! This is a fantastic opportunity as Claude Pelletier, Woman's National Coach, will be there to facilitate. Alberta's top national level gymnasts are expected to attend as well.

Just watch...

As you all have heard, there has been a case of HFMD in one of Salta's gymnasts. Please watch for symptoms as it is highly contagious (but also common) in infants and children. For symptoms please follow the link below:

A big thanks to the parents who helped clean and disinfect the equipment- it was much appreciated!!!!

Cirque is Coming to Town!!!!!!!

That's right! Cirque Sublime is coming to Medicine Hat November 2, 2007. We would like to take all the girls to the show- but tickets are selling fast!

We will be attending the 9pm show. Tickets prices are as follows:

Adult: $49.50 + seating fee and GST
Youth: $29.50 + seating fee and GST

To purchase tickets online, click here:

For information on the show, click here:

See you there!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What- Gymnastics at Home???

That's right folks, you heard me right. There are some things that can be done at home to improve your gymnastics. Namely, flexibility. Flexibility is one of those things that can be trained daily. In fact, if you do train it daily, you will experience significant improvement. So when those commercials roll around you can sit in splits for those 5 minutes. That way instead of being a mindless consumer, you can be a mindless consumer with flexibility. The good exercises to work are as follows:

  • Splits
  • Pancake
  • Pike sit
  • Shoulder stretch over a couch
So I expect to see a marked improvement in flexibility over the next little while... cause, you know, for some reason we coaches seem to think it's important.

Happy Stretching!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Your Fairy Coach Mother

"Fairy tales can come true...
It can happen to you...
If you listen to your fairy coach mother!"

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Alberta Winter Games Trials

It's official! Salta is going to be hosting the trials for Alberta Winter Games for the southern region on Friday, December 7th, 2007. Volunteers are needed. A sign up sheet will be posted at the gym shortly.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Congrats to Erica and Jadyn!

A huge high five goes out to Jadyn and Erica. Both girls got there kips! I will be posting the videos later today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sell! Sell! Sell!

Just a reminder that raffle ticket books should be handed in by October 13th. The draw date is on Friday, October 26th, 2007 at 6pm at the gym. See you there!

Start Thingking Of That Pose!

Picture Day is Tuesday, October 22, 2007. Please be sure to hand in your form with payment prior to picture day- cost is $10.00 for the team picture and a single pose. Gymnasts will need their competitive suit (if they own one) or something that comes close to matching for the team pictures. Hair should be up and tidy. Don't forget those smiles at home either!


Check out the the training videos! I will be posting videos throughout the season. Some will be pointing out how to make corrections,some will be just for fun and some may include recent accomplishments. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the Competitive Blog. I figured we needed one so I can place important topics and answer any questions that come my way. I have inserted a calendar (on the side bar)- keep track of it as training plans and competitive schedules are posted here. I will be sending out permission slips so I can post videos and pictures of the girls up. Again welcome and hope you enjoy the blog!