Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Get your Forms In!

Picture Day is fast approaching- if you want pictures this year you must get your forms in to Tera before or on the day of pictures. If we do not receive your form by this time, then your child will not receive a photo.

Competitive Pictures will be on the following days:

Pre-Competitive: October 23, 2008
Competitive: October 24, 2008
Boys Precomp: October 22, 2008

Please feel free to copy/paste then fill out the document below.


Thomas Photography will be coming and taking photographs during class time on the week of OCTOBER 20-25, 2008. Carefully note these dates and times, as pictures will only be taken during your child’s class. Please note if your child is in a parent assisted class the parent will also be in the picture.

The package will consist of a 31/2x5 individual and a 5x7 group photo in a cardboard mount and button for $10.00.
If you wish to have your child's photo taken, complete the slip with payment at the bottom and return it to the club before the day of the photo. There will be no EXCEPTIONS with late forms.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment must be made to Salta before picture day or photos will not be taken.
*Please make cheques payable to SALTA.

NAME: _________________ CLASS, DAY, TIME: __________________

PHONE: _____________ PAID BY: CHEQUE_____ CASH_____



Thomas Photography will be coming and taking photographs during class time on the week of OCTOBER 20-25, 2007. Please carefully note these dates and times, as pictures will only be taken during your child’s class. Please note if your child is in a parent assisted class the parent will also be in the picture.

The package will consist of a 31/2x5 individual and a 5x7 group photo in a cardboard mount and button for $10.00.
If you wish to have your child's photo taken, complete the slip with Payment at the bottom and return it to the club before the day of the photo. There will be No EXCEPTIONS with late forms.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment must be made to Salta before picture day or photos will not be taken.
*Please make cheques payable to SALTA.

NAME: _________________ CLASS, DAY, TIME: __________________

PHONE: _____________ PAID BY: CHEQUE_____ CASH_____


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