Friday, November 09, 2007

Positive Self-Talk

"I'm Scared"....."I Can't"...."What If"....."That's Scary!".... "Impossible!"...

Sound familiar?

In gymnastics it is vital to have a positive view on your training. When the gymnast starts to doubt that she can NOT do a skill or starts to imagine injuring herself- guess what- she possibly will! It's important to enforce positive attitudes through training and competition. Negative thoughts can lead to negative actions.Positive thoughts of course can lead to positive actions. This is why Salta has adopted the “You believe… You achieve…” attitude.
In training, if you focus on how a skill should be performed, chances are you will achieve the skill in a faster time frame than if you think of what could go wrong. Think of how much energy is perhaps wasted worrying about what could go wrong or letting a few tears slide. Or how about standing on the beam for 5 minutes trying to convince yourself that the beam perhaps will be right under you when you land? Sound familiar. Well, let’s try to see this in a different way….
When you approach that skill that you generally have a fear of, try telling yourself
"I will do this properly" or "If my coaches know I can do this by myself they have 100% confidence in me, so therefore I should have the same confidence in myself!", or even, "I can and I will".

So, test yourself. Instead of wasting time avoiding the skill, get up and just do it. Let us see what you can achieve in training tomorrow.

If you believe it, you WILL achieve it!

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